Hiit Workouts

Are you looking for the best HIIT workout videos online? Then, you’ve certainly come to the right place! Aside from our ab workout DVDs available online, we also have HIIT workout DVDs available for you. But before we hit it with our high-intensity interval training workout videos, let us give you a brief introduction about HIIT first.

High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT, as it is popularly known, is a combination of short but high-intensity cardiovascular exercises best followed by less intense activities for recovery or equal periods of rest. Interval workout has been around for a long time but only started to gain widespread popularity more than a decade ago when sports physiologists’ studies showed its tremendous health benefits. 

Now that we’re done with the introduction, let us show you our wide selection of HIIT workout videos online.

30 Minute High-Intensity Interval Training Workout DVDs

Here at CoffeyFIT, we take pride in our highly effective 30-minute workout videos that include not just the best circuit workout DVDs, but also:

  •       30 Minutes to Fitness “Body Training” 30 Minutes to Fitness “Body Design”
  •       30 Minutes to Fitness “Athletic Conditioning” Vol.1 & 2
  •       30 Minutes to Fitness “Amped Up Cardio LIVE”
  •       30 Minutes to Fitness “Abs and Core”

Now we introduce to you, our 30 Minute High-Intensity Interval Training Workout videos!

In keeping with the tradition of giving you half-hour exercise videos that you can do virtually anywhere at any time, we’ve also come up with our very own 30-minute HIIT workout DVD. Health and fitness enthusiasts looking for high-intensity interval training workout videos will surely be brimming with delight!

Browse Our HIIT Workout Video Options

Choose from our vast array of HIIT workout videos that are not only easy to follow but are very effective in delivering significant health improvements for your exercise. Our HIIT workout DVD is designed with your needs in mind.

  •       HIIT workout videos you can do at home
  •       HIIT workout DVD with exercises designed with the workplace in mind

As you can see, we got you covered.

What Are the Benefits of HIIT Workouts?

Why do HIIT workouts? The answer is simple. It is an exercise routine that is highly effective in improving not just your cardio, but your overall wellness. We can say that we do a holistic approach in our HIIT workout DVD exercises. With that being said, we list down the benefits of HIIT workouts. HIIT workouts and our top HIIT workout DVDs.

Burns Calories

Studies show that our HIIT or high-intensity fitness DVD training can burn as much as 500 calories for every 30 minutes of workout. Imagine the health benefits when you regularly exercise with the guidance of our HIIT workout videos.

Helps Lose Weight

High-intensity interval training workout DVDs can help you work towards your goals. When you burn calories, it follows that you will also lose weight. You can be sure that our HIIT workout videos can help you with your fitness journey.

Builds Muscle

Since the interval exercises in our HIIT workout videos are not limited to cardiovascular exercises, you will be able to build muscle by doing push-ups, burpees, and other workouts incorporated into your routine. You can check out our top HIIT workout DVDs to find the right workout for your muscle-building goals.

Increases Energy Levels

An active lifestyle already increases your energy level. Can you imagine how it will increase exponentially when you do HIIT workouts? Since our HIIT program has a holistic approach, every part of your body is active during exercises. This does not only improve blood circulation but also increases your energy levels. You will feel tired after every exercise, but you will have enough energy left to continue.

So what are you waiting for? Get our HIIT workout videos, and continue on your journey to a fitter and healthier lifestyle. 

Order HIIT videos now! Contact us today to learn more about our high-intensity fitness DVDs or to find the right HIIT video for your health!

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