The Importance in Balance in Your Life

The Importance in Balance in Your Life

“The Importance in Balance in Your Life” Overview To have good balance is to have a healthy and active life that is injury-free. Unfortunately, the average person views Balance training as a “senior citizen thing” or for someone rehabbing an...
Break Through Your Fitness Plateau

Break Through Your Fitness Plateau

“Break Through Your Fitness Plateau”OverviewFitness Plateaus are common, but with patience, you can break through them and achieve your fitness goals. Plateau basically means your body has become adjusted to the workouts and you are simply going through...
The Benefits of Strength Training for Women

The Benefits of Strength Training for Women

“The Benefits of Strength Training for Women” Overview In the past, women believed being thin coincided with being beautiful. This flew in the face of the fact that voluptuous women like Marilyn Monore were recognized for their beauty. Today we admire...
Kelly’s Video Tip – Plan Ahead

Kelly’s Video Tip – Plan Ahead’s Video Tip -Plan Ahead Download, Stream Videos OverviewLearn from Kelly Meyer, the best fitness training has to offer. In this video, you will learn about mind over matter. What the mind can believe, the body can achieve....
Kelly’s Video Tip – Push Hard Now for a Better Tomorrow

Kelly’s Video Tip – Push Hard Now for a Better Tomorrow

Kelly’s Video Tip – Push Hard Now for a Better Tomorrow Download, Stream Videos Overview Learn from Kelly Meyer, the best fitness training has to offer. In this video, you will learn about mind over matter. What the mind can believe, the body can achieve....
The Benefits of Strength Training for Women

“Train Smarter, not Harder”

“Train Smarter, not Harder’ The key to a long and fit life is knowing how to Train Smarter, not Harder! Long training sessions, choosing the wrong type of workouts and not listening to your body can all lead to roadblocks along your fitness journey. It has...