Kelly’s Video Tip –
Mind Over Matter

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Learn from Kelly Meyer, the best fitness training has to offer. In this video, you will learn about mind over matter. What the mind can believe, the body can achieve. Coffey In The Morning, The Energy Boost That Lasts All Day!

Mind Over Matter

It’s me again. I have a saying, what the mind can conceive the body can achieve. There’s a lot of things that we can’t do, but if we put our mind to it we can train our bodies to be able to do whatever that is. Whether you want to be able to do handstands, or a backbend, or you want to bench 65 pounds, 150 pounds, you want to squat better, you want to strengthen your back because you’re having a wonky back. What the mind can conceive the body can achieve. If you believe it you can achieve it. Start slow, stay smart, and inch your way toward accomplishing your goals because it can be done work on it.


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